Trap Equipment (Power) w/ merc Harlequin Crest Shako +141 defense Enigma Mage Plate +750-769 defense Heart of the Oak Flail +40 All Resist Stormshield +148 defense Stone of Jordan Stone of Jordan Mara Kaleidoscope +30 All Resist Sandstorm Trek 15 Str / 15 Vita Arachnid Mesh +120% ED Magefist +30% ED Assasin Hellfire 17-19 stats/17-19 res 9 x Pack - Assassin Traps GC (plain)ᅠSwitch: Call to Arms Flail - 6 BO Spirit Monarch - 25-29% FCRᅠMerc: Andarials Non Eth Infinity ETH CV Duriels shell
Realm: West Non-Ladder